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Abstract (English):
The use of stone veneer in the creation of furniture facades and interior interiors is an innovative field. Today, stone veneer kitchens are very popular not only among well- off, but also among average consumers. Stone veneer is easy to maintain, and at the same time it can withstand relatively high mechanical and thermal loads. These indicators are especially important for kitchen furniture. You can decorate with stone panels not only residential premises, but even more so the premises of bars, restaurants, administrative offices, halls of hotels and hotels, etc. Stone veneer has a large number of shades, in addition, stone veneer with lighting looks very original and advantageous. This is important for the author’s interior design. In recent years, stone veneer is becoming more and more popular in the design of premises, not only because it has a large color range, but also because it is in the middle price category.

stone veneer, design, interior, glue, cladding technology
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