Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
Modified wood is wood that is improved with special modifiers in order to increase its strength, durability and water-, bio-, fire- and corrosion resistance, which, unlike natural wood, makes it more resistant to various environmental factors. This wood is good to use in construction, and it will be effective for further development, as the buildings will be used longer, and less likely to be subject to repair and reconstruction, which will reduce deforestation. The most popular methods of modification are thermomechanical modification with preliminary steaming of wood, its heating, or with preliminary impregnation with mineral oils; thermochemical modification; chemical modification; radiation-chemical modification. Each type of the above modifications differs in its properties, and also have their own impact on a particular type of wood. The most common and most effective method of modification is achieved by thermomechanical processing. Since it is when the wood is heated, after the introduction of the necessary modifiers into it, the polymers begin to heat up, due to which the vessels of the wood harden, which affects its density. To avoid the destruction of wood, it is very important to monitor the temperature and prevent it from reaching high heating levels.
modified wood, thermomechanical processing, durability, strength, durability
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6. Medvedev I.N. Razrabotka tehnologii i oborudovaniya dlya polucheniya zagotovok shpal i opor liniy elektroperedach iz modificirovannoy drevesiny / I.N. Medvedev. - Lesnoy vestnik. Forestry Bulletin. 2018. T. 22. № 6. - S. 102-109.
7. Proizvodstvo shpal iz modificirovannoy drevesiny dlya zheleznyh dorog v holodnyh regionah / I.N. Medvedev, V.A. Shamaev, D.A. Parinov, O.I. Shakirova.-2020. T. 49. - S. 197-204.