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Abstract (English):
The article deals with the problems associated with personnel problems in the timber industry complex. Efficient companies in the timber industry complex consider mentoring as a form of improving the quality of human capital. This tendency is especially evident in those regions where timber companies play a dominant role. The aim of mentoring is to train a specialist who meets the requirements for his/her quality and competence on the part of enterprises, organizations of the region and the Russian Federation. It is impossible to train a modern specialist in isolation from real production conditions – professional practice. That is why the authors defined the mission of mentors in a modern organization, identified the stages of training under the guidance of a mentor in the enterprises of timber industry complex. The authors proposed options for staff development. Learning of the system, directions of mentoring, assistance, assistance in getting the job tempo and rhythm, mastering of job tasks and duties, acquiring of practical knowledge and skills, social-psychological adaptation in a team, adaptation to corporate culture, learning of traditions and rules of conduct in the enterprise – all these are the main aims of mentoring organization as a source of quality human capital improvement in timber industry enterprises. Thus, a mentor not only explains production technology and introduces equipment, but also helps a newcomer to join the team, get acquainted with masters and managers and the company’s culture.

human capital, region, mentoring
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