Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Sawing wood with band and frame saws is considered as a technological system at the level of a technological operation. Such a system is a set of functionally interconnected, interdependent and conditionally indivisible elements: a sawn workpiece, a band saw, a frame saw, a machine tool, a sawing mode, the environment and the operator. Changing any element of this system inevitably leads to a change in the technological system, to a change in the quality of its functioning. That is why the operation of band saws and sawmills at different enterprises occurs in different ways. Increasing the efficiency of sawing involves reducing the probability of failures associated with a decrease in the quality of sawn surfaces, premature blunting of the cutting edges of the teeth and a burst of tapes, reduced productivity and increased energy consumption and noise levels, etc.

sawmilling, band saw, frame saw, chip formation, surface quality, preparation of cutting tools

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