Kostroma state University (Department of logging and wood processing industries, department chair)
from 01.01.2016 to 01.01.2019 Kostroma, Kostroma, Russian Federation
from 01.01.2009 until now
from 01.01.2009 until now
Soft wood waste is mainly used for fuel purposes. Non-returnable vegetable spinning waste is currently not used in the production of products, disposed of by incineration or disposal to landfill. Emissions of carbon-containing gases are the dominant source of anthropogenic emissions into the atmosphere, which leads to disruption of the natural carbon cycle. The aim of the study is to develop a method for recycling waste spinning flax and cotton fibers and soft wood waste by producing composite thermal insulation material. Physical and mechanical parameters and thermal conductivity coefficient of composites are determined.
non-returnable plant waste, flax, cotton, wood chips, binders, composite plates, thermal conductivity coefficient, strength, static bending, thickness swelling
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