Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Agriculture is one of the most important sectors of the economy of the Central Black Earth Region. The Voronezh region is distinguished by a particularly high index of agricultural production, which is facilitated by several factors at once - favorable climatic conditions inherent in the temperate climatic zone and the widespread distribution of various types of chernozems throughout its territory. As a result of the activation of human economic and production activities, the scale of the use of chemicals in the agricultural and food industries is growing, and illiterate farming disrupts the process of nutrition and maturation of plants. All this inevitably leads to widespread land degradation and a qualitative deterioration in manufactured products. In modern conditions, personal subsidiary plots act not only as a reserve of the agricultural industry, but also as a source capable of producing environmentally friendly products by organic farming.

chernozem soils, product quality, food security, nitrates, agriculture, agrocenosis, personal subsidiary plots

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