Russian Federation
The article discusses the landscaping and landscaping of the urban environment, namely the highway - the Descent of Herzen in the city of Novocherkassk, Rostov region. A brief historical summary of the sights of the object and the city is given, functional zones and the range of projected vegetation on the territory adjacent to the highway are considered in detail.
landscaping, beautification, functional zoning, inventory of green spaces, assortment of woody plants
1. Ozelenenie i blagoustroystvo gorodskoy sredy. -
2. 100 mest: Triumfal'naya arka v Novocherkasske. -
3. Agroklimaticheskie resursy Rostovskoy oblasti. - L.: Gidrometeoizdat, 1972 g. - 340 s.
4. Inventarizaciya zelenyh nasazhdeniy. -'nyy,territorii%20zelenogo%20fonda%20goroda%20Moskvy.
5. Zonirovanie territorii goroda i ego funkcional'noe naznachenie. -
6. Osnovnoy, dopolnitel'nyy, ogranichennyy assortiment. -
7. Chepik, F. A. Dendrologiya: uchebnoe posobie / F. A. Chepik. - Sankt-Peterburg: SPbGLTU, 2020. - 68 s. - ISBN 978-5-9239-1203-6. -