Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The creation of artificial linear plants takes a leading role in our country. Linear plants begin to influence crops from the moment they are seeding. The bioproductivity of artificial phytocenoses is influenced by the degree of afforestation of fields, where a close relationship is manifested between the indicator of forest cover of arable land and crop yield. With an afforestation of agroforestry landscapes of 1.50%, the yield of winter wheat is 28.0 c / ha, and with an increase in the number of plantations on arable land to 2.00%, the yield is 32.3 c / ha; 2.50% - 35.6 centners / ha; 3.00% - 36.6 c / ha and 3.50% - 37.0 c / ha. A similar pattern is observed in indicators among forest belts where barley grows. With an afforestation of 1.50%, the yield is 22.8 centners / ha; 2.00% - 27.3 c / ha; 2.50% - 30.0 c / ha; 3.00% - 32.1 c / ha and 3.25% -32.1 c / ha. The average yield increase for every 0.25% of forest cover for winter wheat is 0.4 - 2.4 c / ha, for barley, respectively, 0.6 - 3.6 c / ha. With indicators of 3.2%, statistically distinguishable values are no longer observed. In the Bogucharsky district, the number of preserved protective plantations is 2250 hectares, the forest cover of arable land is 1.87%. Bringing to the calculated optimal value will allow to have 3826 hectares of artificial crops on arable land, and at the same time it is necessary to carry out additional afforestation work on an area of 1576 hectares.

artificial protective linear plants, agroforestry landscape, crop productivity

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