Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The article discusses the economic consequences of a diesel fuel spill at the Russian group of companies Nornikel in the Arctic zone. A list of possible measures to prevent such events in the future, based on the expert opinions of environmentalists, is also proposed.
economics, ecological accident, ecology, diesel fuel, Norilsk Nickel
1. Konovalova, V. M. Noril'skiy razliv / V. M. Konovalova. - Tekst :neposredstvennyy // Molodoy uchenyy. - 2020. - № 46 (336). - S. 71-72. - URL:
2. Tri posledstviya ekologicheskih proisshestviy dlya investorov «Nornikelya» [Elektronnyy resurs] /. - Elektron. Zhurn. - Rezhim dostupa k zhurn.:
3. «Nornikel'» zavershil osnovnye etapy ustraneniya posledstviy avarii na TEC [Elektronnyy resurs] /. - Elektron. Zhurn. - Rezhim dostupa k zhurn.:
4. «Nornikel'» prosyat otdat' gosudarstvu [Elektronnyy resurs] /. - Elektron. Zhurn. - Rezhim dostupa k zhurn.:
5. Godovoy otchet PAO «GMK «Noril'skiy nikel'» [Elektronnyy resurs] /. - Elektron. Zhurn. - Rezhim dostupa:, svobodnyy
6. Plany «Nornikelya» na 2020 god vyglyadyat realizuemymi [Elektronnyy resurs] /. - Elektron. Zhurn. - Rezhim dostupa k zhurn.:
7. Avariya s toplivom v Noril'ske [Elektronnyy resurs] /. - Elektron. Zhurn. - Rezhim dostupa k zhurn.: