Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The application of the Lambert-Booger-Baer law is limited by the requirement of parallelism of rays, therefore, the use of this law in classical form in combination with the ray method or the sectoring method can give a significant error. Thus, when using these methods, the Lambert-Bouguer-Baer law in its classical form can only be used for typical protection in the form of a solid sphere. The results of calculations and experiments for a solid sphere are given as initial data in the terms of reference for the development of specific products for specified operating conditions. However, in practice, flat limited protection is most often used, for which the approximation of a solid sphere gives a conservative estimate of the local dose load with an error of at least 28%. In this paper, we consider a model of flat limited protection, in which it is proposed to average the barrier thickness over its surface area.

radiation protection, local dose load, ionizing radiation, Lambert-Booger-Baer law, solid sphere approximation

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