Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The urgency of the need to improve the efficiency of hydraulic manipulators in-volved in the timber complex of the Russian Federation during the loading and unloading of timber is substantiated. The negative consequences of the impact of dynamic loads on the rotary mechanisms of hydraulic manipulators in the process of loading and unloading timber are considered. A promising de-sign is presented, which makes it possible to significantly reduce the dynamic loads acting on the rotary mechanism of the hydraulic manipulator. A perspective scheme of the rotary mechanism of a hydraulic manipulator column with a crankshaft drive from two hydraulic cylinders is proposed. The main ad-vantages of such a rotary column mechanism with a recuperative hydraulic drive are described. The main tasks are formulated that contribute to the acceleration of the process of development and practical implementation of a prototype of the proposed mechanism.
timber complex, energy recovery of the working fluid, logging road train, col-umn slewing mechanism, hydraulic cylinder, hydraulic manipulator, timber loading and unloading process, inertial loads
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