Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article analyzes the specifics of creating and broadcasting the «enemy image» based on computer historical games. The virtual world of computer games, broadcasting the image of reality, at the same time, becomes the constructor of this reality. To characterize the subject's involvement in virtual gaming practices, the assimilation of political programs, the concept of «Homo VideoGamer» is used. In connection with the aggravation of the international situation, the analysis of the specifics of the construction of the «enemy image» in historical video games is updated. It is noted that the «image of the enemy» is broadcast in the context of wars, where the enemy appears to be capable of destructive actions. The construction of the “enemy image” occurs through dehumanization, expressed in rhetorical methods. There are two ways of broadcasting the «enemy image»: the creation of stereotypical geopolitical concepts; broadcasting implicit political and ideological messages.

virtual reality, Homo VideoGamer, Enemy image, military-aggressive actor, dehumanization, stereotypical geopolitical concepts, fundamental loss of orientation

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