Russian Federation
Russian Federation
One of the main problems of congestion processes at bus stops (SP) is that the increase in the number of buses and routes leads to disruption of the organization of their passage through the SP. The article used the methods of studying the system of mass service of transport processes. Forming buses into a group can reduce congestion processes at the SP and increase their throughput, as a result of simultaneous entry and exit of buses from it. Objective, justification of the servicing time of a group of urban passenger transport and the time of their downtime at a stopping point from their number and dimensions. The dependence of the downtime of a group of urban passenger transport at a stopping point on their length and number in the group and the dependence of the servicing time of a group of urban passenger transport at a stopping point on their number in the group and the number of passengers served are obtained. It is advisable to take into account the obtained results when forming the composition of a group of urban passenger transport to organize their movement through a stopping point.
dead time, dwell time, number of urban passenger transport in a group, bus stopping point, passengers
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